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Final Cut Pro 7 Mac OSX with Guide To Install | 3.47GB

Just Setup and Instructions
Release Name.........: Final Cut Pro
Release Version......: v7
Release Date………: 2010

Type...........: Video editing software
Developer......: Apple Inc.
Platform.......: Mac OS X
Language.......: English

Website: www.apple.com/finalcutstudio/finalcutpro/

Version: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2521

- Final Cut Pro 7
- Instructions (Text file)

1.) Run "Install Final Cut Pro"
2.) Install the software. (Do Not give up your real names and that shit)
3.) When asked about a serial, copy one from below (have 3 serial incluled rar file) and paste in.
4.) Enjoy, Your Welcome.
Please read care my instructions below. I can't sure 1000% will work great for you.
I installed using a serial from the comments and had to uncheck Soundtrack, Motion and DVD. It Works!!
Some Comments From my friend when install from my instruction above:
This works perfect thanks. I will seed for sure. Follow the instructions from the post above for it to work.

Worked great, Just unchecked all the stuff I didnt want and used serial supplied in rar file. Thanks allot!

Thank You!! I installed using a serial from the comments and had to uncheck Soundtrack, Motion and DVD. It Works!!

Just one serial public and another Included Instructions.rtf file

 Download Link ( 3.47 GB ) Rar File

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